I'm Waiting You

Assalamualaikum : Annyeonghaseyo : Konichiwa

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T-ara | Cry Cry
Monday, August 6 | 5:21:00 am | 0 BlackWhite
Assalamualaikum and hye everyone! *eiiy ade ker orang yg nak neok blog aku nehh?* haha :P i don't care lahh :P i hope you guys are in the pink of health. hey you! i miss you okay!! *okay nak padam yg nie*hmm long time no post from me right? fuck off! i miss my blog so damn much! :* k.bwaaii! haha XD

Tonight im gonna talk about.. bout.. lol i dont know why i put "T-ara | Cry Cry" as the title O.o' nevermind! layan je lhaa ape aku bebel mlm nie =='

I dont know why i am still like this! naega wae!! lol O.o' its about my feelin' to her. LOVE . lol what does it means? actually i feel a bit shy to talk 'bout this.. did i liked her? yes i did! huhu ==' but why i feel like.. ughh knpe aku takut hae ble aq berhadapan..er whatever lhaa..or aq jmpe or ppe je lha dgn dye? malu tahap ape aku ni? i give a fuck to myself ! ! im weird! but what can i do? this is me. im who i am *tapi aku ni mesti huru hare en? ntah2 anoyying* I always wonder, do you stalk me like I stalk you? *nvm. hmm..hmm..dulu aku penaa terfikir.. eh i liked her but.. is she like me back? and i feel so damn happy in that night. we had a conversation 'til late night *i dont know if she remember or not* i told her, my feelin' toward her.. perasaan aku kt dia.. dah makin kurang.. bkn sbb ape.. ni dipengaruhi oleh encik SPM yg da tk lame lagy.. *i can't be in a relationship with you if Allah say you're not my patner.Allah determine whatever happen in this world. I just accept it* *wondering* then she said something to me.. *rahsia* im happy to hear that. hey! you make me smile till i sleep tho! xD nowaday.. i keep on trying to improve myself!

Anyway. i wants all my friend in class 5 um 2012 having success in our exam, SPM ! bring it on ! hey you, belajar betul2 tau! nnty kte lawan result spe lagy cun! okay? fighting!

hoho i wanna continue my homework :p k.bwaai!

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